lunes, 5 de marzo de 2012

Dear Lily

Dear Lily,
I know it is peculiar to write twice to you in a week, but a bizarre feeling came over me, and I felt the urge to write once again.
            Over here it is complete chaos. The court has gone into a state of anarchy. The number of occurring calamities is becoming larger and more frequent. Several people­­–more than the usual–have been arraigned and apprehended for committing crimes that I know for a fact they didn’t do. It hurts to see cells of prison filled with innocent people. Even with people like me as lawyers the injustice we saw everyday when we were children still occurs. I should have known that assimilating into a group of people who call themselves impartial, and are nothing but that, would not be imminent.
            But, that isn’t the reason why the urge to write to you came. I understand now that a type of anger has been building up inside me; that the dissensions that I face everyday at court and the interrogations that are now meant to attack innocent people have been affecting me more then I would like. Lily, I’m not the same boy who promised he would come back for you 20 years ago.
            So when I heard about you father–his death– I went back to those sweltering summer days when we would sit far out by the river and you would go on about the cruel man he was. How, at first, your mother had loved him and he had thought so much of her, lionized her. But as the years passed he stopped being the sweet, meticulous man who paid attention to everything your mother did, and started to become the T-ray you knew. You said it was because of building anger–anger that I, now feel.
            For that reason, I do not think you or I should continue writing. I do not want to become T-ray–I don’t want you to become your mother. I don’t want years to elapse and with them, our love for each other. I want to think back and remember Lily, the girl I loved; not Lily, the girl to which I was only a shackle.
            I love you more than you can imagine and although this is the final letter, it is not the final time I will think about you.

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